It's Letters To Santa!

Hey Parents, Grandparents, and Caregivers!

It's time to have the kids write their wish list letters to Santa.

Your Minot Subway's and Coldstone Creamery is helping add the Christmas magic to your child's Christmas. Children are invited to drop of their Santa letters to the big red mailboxes at any Minot Subway location or Coldstone Creamery, and when they do they will receive a special treat. Make sure to include a self addressed stamped envelope with your child's address and name so Santa and his helper's can answer their letter back! Santa letter drop off deadline is Thursday, December 9th 2022.

Drop off locations:

Coldstone Creamery - 1420 24th Avenue SW, Minot

Minot Subway Location - Inside Walmart

Minot Subway Location - 721 North Broadway

Minot Subway Location - 1418 South Broadway

Minot Subway Location - 1700 21st Avenue SW Suite A

Minot Subway Location - Inside Dakota Square

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