#TRENDING 7/01/24: 50% Americans Think They Should Get 4th of July Week Off

Fourth of July Break: Half of Americans Think They Should Get the Whole Week Off


Are you phoning it in at work this week? If so, you're not alone.


45% of American workers don't expect to get much done between now and Fourth of July weekend. That's how many agreed with the statement, "I barely get any work done around July 4th."


So, if half of us aren't doing much anyway, should we just get the WHOLE WEEK off? Half of Americans want it to happen.


49% think companies should shut down for the entire week of July 4th, and a lot of those votes are young people. 61% of Millennials and Gen Z'ers said yes, compared to 32% of people older than that.


56% of young people say working the week of the Fourth should be seen as "taboo" in work culture.


Overall, 35% of us think we'd be more productive the rest of the year if we knew we were getting a full week off in July. 28% claim they'd work harder, and 22% would be more likely to recommend their company to friends and family.


If you're looking forward to your break, you're not alone. 75% said they are.


And if you're getting more than Thursday off, count your blessings. Only 34% of workers will get two or more days off this week. 10% said all five days.


Most people are at least getting Thursday off though. Just 22% of companies will be open on the Fourth this year. 


(Inc / Harris Poll)

Originally posted on July 1st, 2024

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