#TRENDING 8/28/24: Why Type of Friend Are You? Type A, B, C, or D?

Why Type of Friend Are You? Type A, B, C, or D?


Do people really fit into one of these four categories? What type of friend are you . . . Type A, B, C, or D?  (???)


A TikToker in North Carolina named Dionna May blew up online for a video showing what all her Type B friends are like.


It's loosely based off personality types. You probably know Type A and Type B. Some psychologists think there are Type C and D personalities too.


Type A's are high-achievers who like being in charge . . . Type B's are more chill . . . Type C's are like Type A's, but hide their emotions more . . . and Type D's are more irritable. The Daria type.


Dionna's friend categories are similar but different. And each one has its own set of quirks . . .


Type A friend: The overly responsible one. You plan and organize everything, have a sense of urgency, and make sure things like vacations don't fall apart.


Type B friend: You'd give someone the shirt off your back, but YOU need help too. You're forgetful, leave stuff behind, and your phone is always dead.


Type C friend: You're organized like Type A, but more neurotic . . . more likely to bow out of things other people want to do . . . and you love long naps.


Type D friend: You're annoyed a lot . . . prone to confrontation . . . have a twisted sense of humor . . . and you might be into weird stuff like crystals and astrology.


BuzzFeed did a poll where most people said they're Type A. But a lot claim they realized they're Type B after watching the videos.


Dionna says she's definitely Type A, but most of her friends are Type B . . . and they're constantly stressing her out with their Type B nonsense. 



Originally posted on August 28th, 2024

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