#TRENDING 9/19/24: Common Inconveniences That Should've Been Solved by Now

10 Common "Inconveniences" . . . That Should've Been Solved by Now


It seems like there's a segment of science and technology obsessed with solving problems NO ONE ASKED to be solved. At the same time, there are common frustrations that should've been figured out by now.


Someone online asked, "What's a daily inconvenience that you still can't believe hasn't been solved?" And here are the top responses:


1. "There has to be a better way to package flour."


2. "Printers that can't reliably print."  (Even after you spend an arm and a leg on printer ink.)


3. "The hardened buildup that happens in lotion and soap pumps . . . so when you go to use it, that buildup acts as a stopper until the pressure pushes it loose, shooting a stream of gunk across the room."


4. "Being able to successfully clean the inside of a windshield."


5. "Dust accumulation. Forget A.I. . . . I need a gadget that sucks dust particles from the air before they get to settle on every surface at home."  (Some high-end air purifiers can help with that, but mostly localized in one area.)


6. "Having to constantly 'sign-in' on various websites . . . within a single session at your computer . . . even just using Google and YouTube."


7. "Mammograms. The machine feels like a medieval torture device. Surely there's something less painful."  (There are machines that exist, but they're more expensive processes, and aren't always covered by insurance.)


8. "Elevators need an option to press a floor button a second time to cancel."


9. "Toilets should be able to be self-cleaning."


10. "Itchiness. It's so unpleasant, and medications are usually ineffective. It's especially problematic in chronic cases where it can keep you up at night."




(For more, here's a similar list from earlier this year with DIFFERENT "everyday struggles" that should've been solved by now.)



Originally posted on September 19th, 2024

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