TREVOR D MINI-MORNING SHOW: Torture In A Place Called "Heck"

QUESTION DU JOUR: Not As Bas As Hell, But Share A "Torture" In A Place Called Heck

TRENDING: Is It Too Early for Halloween Decorations? Most Americans Say Wait

BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: "The Oregon Trail" game was originally developed in 1971 . . . and the information was printed on paper. It didn't really take off until a new version was released on Apple 2 computers in 1985.

VISIT WITH: UND Golf Team's Riley Crothers and Emersyn Walker

WEDNESDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: Man From Maine Damages 75 Vehicles In a Car Dealership

8 O'CLOCK TALK: A Boy Named After a "Star Wars" Character Was Denied a Passport Over "Copyright Infringement"

ONE MORE THING: Which One-Hit Wonder Aligns with Your Zodiac Sign?

Originally Aired: Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

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