#TRENDING 9/26/24: And Now, Restaurant Portions Are About to Get Smaller?

And Now, Restaurant Portions Are About to Get Smaller?


We all know how ridiculous the portion sizes are at a lot of restaurants. And let's be honest, at a lot of places the FOCUS is QUANTITY over quality.


According to a new report, portion sizes in the U.S. shot up in the 1980s and never came down. But there's a good chance that will change soon, and there are several reasons why.


For one, restaurants are dealing with rising food costs . . . and there's also food WASTE. A recent study found that as much as 40% of the food that's served at restaurants never gets eaten.


There are also people taking "GLP-1" diabetes and weight-loss drugs who are eating less . . . and trends where people are using tech to monitor their portion sizes to control their calorie intake.


Finally, there's so-called "snackification," which is gaining popularly among younger people. That's where traditional meals are replaced with snacks and small platters of food that take the place of meals.


Okay, fine . . . but there's ONE THING that will determine if this will work: Are people going to get the same value, or is this another SQUEEZE?


According to the 2024 National Restaurant Association report, more than 75% of customers say they want smaller portions . . . FOR LESS MONEY.


If you're going to shrink the portion sizes and try to get away with serving LESS of the SAME food . . . then there will be backlash.



Originally posted on September 26th, 2024

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