#TRENDING 10-31-24: Dentists Say You Should Hand Out Stickers and Play-Doh

Treat . . . or Trick? Dentists Say You Should Hand Out Stickers and Play-Doh, Not Candy


There's less of an emphasis on TRICKING and more on TREATING these days . . . but that could change, if DENTISTS have their way.


A group of dental surgeons is urging children NOT to eat "lollipops or sticky sweets" to avoid tooth decay. That's a VERY BIG ASK on Halloween . . . but they say adults CAN lend a hand.


One dentist suggests that the public can switch to giving trick or treaters things like stickers and Play-Doh instead of candy.


(Is this one of those things where "four out of five dentists" are fine with SOME candy on Halloween . . . and this is the one rogue dentist? Because either way, this dentist is getting EGGED.)


Obviously, keeping kids away from candy will be impossible over the next few days. But there are some things parents can do:


1. Limit the amount of candy your kid downs in one sitting.


2. Have them cut back on sweets that can get stuck to teeth . . . or that are exposed to your teeth over a long period of time, like suckers.


3. Try to limit additional sugars around Halloween, like pushing water over sugary drinks.


4. Encouraging them to brush their teeth after having candy. And for younger kids, a fun new toothbrush might help with that. And they should be sure to brush before bed.


5. It's also good to teach kids about the importance of oral health . . . because you get ONE set of teeth. Well, after the baby teeth "practice round."


According to the CDC, more than half of children aged 6 to 8 years have had a cavity in at least one of their baby teeth. And more than half of teenagers have tooth decay in at least one of their permanent teeth.


(Sky News)



Originally posted on October 31st, 2024

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