QUESTION DU JOUR: Stats About Your Life You'd Like To Know After Your Death?
TRENDING: Are You Sick of It? 97% of Americans Are Sick of Something
BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: Greenland can be a challenging place to live . . . for your internal clock. In Greenland, the sun does not set for TWO MONTHS from the end of May . . . until the end of July. And in the winter, the sun sets in October and doesn't rise again until February . . . with the only natural light coming from the moon and aurora borealis.
TUESDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Florida Perv Tried to Have Sex with a Horse's Nose
8 O'CLOCK TALK: Weird Food News: Square Doritos, Pizza Cheetos, and Foreign Conversation Hearts
ONE MORE THING: 2025's Banished Words Include "Cringe," "Skibidi," and "Sorry Not Sorry"
Originally Aired: Tuesday, January 14th, 2025