15 Strange Things Everyone Did as a Child . . . But No One Talks About
The internet can be a weird place.
Buzzfeed has a list of "things basically every single person experienced during their childhood but never, ever talks about." It's fascinating . . . but there's also a reason no one talks about this stuff, it's totally random and lowkey.
Here are 15 highlights from the list:
1. Blowing into a straw while drinking milk to create "milk bubbles."
2. When first learning how to swim, having an irrational fear of SHARKS in the deep end of a POOL.
3. Drawing a sun in the top corner of a piece of paper.
4. Believing that gum would stay in your stomach for seven years. That's a classic one . . . along with getting yelled at for turning on the interior light of the car when someone was driving at night.
5. Playing with a foam ball . . . that had a big BITE or chunk taken out of it.
6. Pinching their finger (or their lips) in a hairclip . . . for no reason.
7. Rolling up the straps of your backpack . . . as tight as humanly possible.
8. Stabbing an eraser . . . with your pencil . . . leaving graphite holes in it.
9. Freaking out after swallowing a seed, like from an apple or watermelon.
10. Watching "your" raindrop try to win the race as it streaked down the windshield or bedroom window.
11. Having a bodyboard slip out from underneath you while swimming, and having it "uppercut" you in the face.
12. Pretending to "smoke" when it's cold outside and you can see your breath.
13. Taking a magnet and trying to force two same-poles together.
14. Sitting in church, and looking up at the massive light fixtures, and trying to figure out who they'd kill if they fell. (???)
15. This one is a bit off-topic: "When you randomly smell a specific scent you remember as a kid, and the nostalgic memories come flooding in."
(Buzzfeed.com has more.)
Originally posted on August 1st, 2024