QUESTION DU JOUR: Share Your "Not-Bad Addictions"
TRENDING: September 9th Is the Most Common Birthday to Have
BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: In the 1700s, people thought the platypus was a hoax, like we think of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. People just thought it seemed too ridiculous that there was a venomous animal with a duck's bill, an otter's feet, and a beaver's tail.
MONDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Guy From The Netherlands Shipped Himself to His Ex's Home . . . and Threatened Her?
8 O'CLOCK TALK: NFL Fans Will Pay $15.02 for a Beer and a Hot Dog This Season
ONE MORE THING: The Most-Googled Text Abbreviations
Originally Aired: Monday, September 9th, 2024