QUESTION DU JOUR: America Is Down To It's Last K-Mart.... Places In GF/EGF That Made You Sad When They Closed?
TRENDING: And Now, Restaurant Portions Are About to Get Smaller?
BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: Contrary to popular belief, sitting "straight" is bad for the back as it puts pressure on the spine. The position with the least pressure was found to be leaning 135 degrees backwards.
THURSDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Student in The U.K. Harasses a McDonald's Worker, and Blames ChatGPT?
UND CHEER/DANCE CHEER-OFF: Round For.... Homecoming Football vs Murray State
ONEMORE THING: 2025's Top Dating Trends Will Include "Freak Matching," "Grim Keeping," and "Yap-Trapping"
Originally Aired: Thursday, September 26th, 2024