P.C. Halloween: Are These Costumes Still Acceptable in 2024?
Are you planning a Halloween costume that might be seen as OFFENSIVE, or politically incorrect? Someone polled over 1,000 Americans and asked if various things are still acceptable in 2024. Here are the results . . .
1. Can a woman dress as a man? 69% said yes, that's still okay. 19% said no, and 11% aren't sure.
2. Can a man dress as a woman? 65% said yes. 23% said no.
3. Can a non-Native American dress as a Native American? 52% think it's still okay. 30% said definitely not.
4. Can a child dress up in a cultural costume if they're not part of that culture? 62% said yes, 20% said no. The yeses drop to 56% for adult costumes.
5. Can your costume include a realistic-looking gun or other weapon? Only 34% said yes. 50% said definitely don't do that.
6. Can white people wear BLACK-FACE MAKEUP if they're dressing up as a Black person? This is shockingly high . . . 33% think it's still okay in 2024. (???) Another 15% aren't sure. 52% said definitely not.
Originally posted on October 23rd, 2024